
    »     AMARILLO ISD


AISD Board of Trustees

Jim Austin - President

Renee McCown - Vice-President

James Allen

John Betancourt

John Ben Blanchard

Eric Darnell

F. Scott Flow

District Leadership


Dr. Dana West

General Counsel

Andrea Gulley

Chief Financial Offi cer

Pati Buchenau

Chief Human Resources Offi cer

Doug Loomis

Chief Operations Offi cer

Brent Hoover

Executive Directors

Sandy Whitlow, Amarillo High Cluster

Kevin Phillips, Caprock Cluster

Christina Ritter, Palo Duro Cluster

Stan Chatman, Tascosa Cluster

Jeff Roller, Technology


Stacey Harris, District Support Services

Susan Hoyl, Community Relations

Denise Blanchard, Community Partnerships

Holly Shelton, Communications

Amarillo Independent School District

Volume 7 • 2017

AISD Portraits, an award-winning magazine 

published by the AISD Communications De-

partment, serves as an annual report to the 

community. The stories inside are intended 

to educate and inform readers of the district’s 

ongoing efforts to graduate every student 

prepared for success.

Denise Blanchard - Advertising Director

April Brownlee - Lead Writer

Susan Hoyl and Melynda Bettis - Copy Editors

Lauren Ebben - PRO Intern Extraordinaire

Amarillo Independent School District

7200 West I-40

Amarillo, TX 79106


Through my lens:

The joy of raising children reminds me 

of unwrapping a precious gift. These gifts, 
however, are not like the presents we open on 
Christmas day, when we rip into the wrapping 
paper in a fury of excitement. The gift of 
rearing a child is one to be revealed slowly, 
marked by years of anticipation and growth. As 
a parent of two young daughters, each day I get 
tiny glimpses into their personalities and who 
they may become. I want time to slow down, so 
I can savor these moments. Yet, I secretly want 
to fast-forward and peek to see what’s inside 
these little packages. I want to learn what their 
dreams, talents and passions will be. I want 
them to have a world of opportunity in front of 
them, so they, as individuals, can cultivate who 
they want to be and fi nd their version of success and happiness.

As a parent, I’m often wowed by the opportunities awaiting Amarillo ISD students as 

they discover their own path and chart their plan. Far gone are the days of a one-size-fi ts-all 
approach to education. Today, our scholars have options.  More than 100 different career and 
technology education classes from welding to fl oral design; 21 AP and dual credit classes and 
12 Pre-AP middle school classes; 23 different secondary fi ne arts courses including programs 
like orchestra, ceramics and dance; 12 different UIL sports… those are just a few of the 
diverse options available. Unlike any other time before, we give students and their families the 
opportunity to customize their education to fi nd the best fi t.

Much like the experience of a child walking into a candy store for the fi rst time, the vast 

amount of choice available is exciting. But contrary to a short-lived sugar rush, our choices 
deliver substance that will feed a child’s future. Throughout this issue of “Portraits,” you’ll hear 
personal accounts of the doors opened and opportunities seized thanks to an individualized 
approach to education. We hope this edition of the magazine opens your eyes to see how 
we’re transforming lives through the boundless opportunity and endless choice offered in 
your neighborhood public schools.

Editor’s Column